Emergency Planning
Please find details below of what will happen and how you will be notified in the event of bad weather. This school only closes in very exceptional circumstances, but extreme bad weather is one of them.
Our prime contact method to inform you is via text message. To receive these it is imperative that your most up to date contact number is given to the school office. Our secondary method of contact with you is through local radio. Radio Nottingham, Mansfield 103.2 and Capital FM offer a secure service to schools. We will send out through these systems and the school facebook and twitter page will also be updated. In addition, www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk also carries lists of any schools that are closed as do http://www.bbc.co.uk/nottingham.
If the weather is bad but the school is open we will ensure that the path to the Main Reception from Springwood View Close is the first one cleared. This should be your target entrance. The path down from the Travellers’ Rest is difficult to clear quickly.
A word of warning, the final stretch of Springwood View Close down to the staff car park can be particularly treacherous. If it is bad weather the staff do not risk that part of the road particularly since it is nearly impossible to turn out of the school car park and go up the slope. our advice is if in doubt, stay in the parent car park or at the top of the street. Or even more appropriately do not bring a car onto Springwood View Close at all.
In the event of heavy snowfall, we may email out asking for help to clear the site. It would be extremely helpful if you were able to assist us with this.