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Reading is vital! Please ensure that you read with your child at least 5 times a week and record this in their reading diaries.  Reading diaries will be checked by staff regularly throughout the week and reminders sent to families that haven't read. 

It is important to remember that reading is not just about 'reading words' and involves comprehension too! 

Tips to help with reading can be found here:


Weekly homework will be set online for maths and SPaG on a Friday, the links to the websites can be found below. This needs to be completed for the following week, homework that isn't completed will be completed in homework club. Logins for these can be found in your child's reading diary. Please contact your child's class teacher if you need a new login. Please encourage your child to have a go at their homework themselves, it provides class teachers with really useful information about what children can and can't do and is used to inform what is taught in class. 


Spellings in from Y2 upwards are set on Spelling Shed. The link can be found below. 


Class teachers also provide half termly homework linked to other curriculum areas, these can be found on the class pages on the website but aren't compulsory. 
