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Reading Ambassadors

Our Reading Ambassadors are an enthusiastic group of avid readers who are determined to help promote a love of reading within St Mary's. As well as acting as peer influencers and key development role in promoting reading for pleasure, there duties also involve:

  • Ensuring the library is neat and tidy and all the books are in the correct place.
  • Ensuring that the library is inviting for all children, placing new books on display and contributing to the library theme and display.
  • Fostering a love of reading throughout school by sharing their favourite books with others and recommending them
  • Creating and updating recommended reading lists
  • Developing KS1 reading provision – book boxes, recommended picture books etc.
  • Being a reading partner for children in Reception and Year 1.
  • Developing and maintaining reading areas at playtimes and lunchtime
  • Carrying out evaluations of class reading areas and provide feedback.
  • Supporting and quality assuring KS2 Book Club sessions
  • Assisting in the planning of reading themed events such as World Book Day.
  • Working with Mrs Pearson to develop a love of reading throughout the school.


Meet our Reading Ambassadors
