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Our Deliberate Professional Empowerment Programme

As a C of E school, we see the present as a time of opportunity that is unlikely to recur in our lifetimes. Our work is for the common good of the whole human community and its environment. There are unprecedented opportunities to renew and improve throughout a year. Our vision for appraisal is deeply Christian with the promise, by Jesus, of life in all its fullness at its heart. This is worked out theologically and educationally through four basic elements which permeate our vision for education: wisdom, hope, community and dignity. Within the context of appraisal, these elements allow:


  • wisdom to be developed through deliberate professional empowerment, personalised to role and career stage;
  • horizons of hope to be opened up through the setting of empowering targets for those in our care;
  • to contribute to our community’s success by enabling everyone to be responsible for their own learning, and to share expertise, in turn enabling all people to flourish together;
  • the dignity of each person to be central in our appraisal process by involving them in joint continual discernment, deliberation and action


Below are our training maps, personalised to each member of our school community. Please take time to read through and find out what we can offer. 
