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Autumn 1

WC 16.10.23


Y2 have had a great final week to the first half term! They've all settled wonderfully into Y2 and have continued to work hard. In English we've completed our instructions for Y1 to inform them how to make a picnic. We've used all the Y2 writing features such as: a title, bullet points, numbers, time connectives and expanded noun phrases. We're all continuing to work hard on our handwriting focusing on our ascenders and descenders.  In Maths we've continued to look at addition and subtraction where we've been using our number bonds to help us make 10 and then add so we can continue to be quicker with our calculations. Next half term we will continue to work on addition and subtraction. We've had a great time with Mansfield Town this week where we've practised penalties and dribbling as well as playing mini games. In Science we've completed our topic on life and used the vocabulary producer, prey and predator to create our own food chains. 

Next half term we are looking forward to beginning our new topics which will link to the oceans, we are looking forward to our trip to The Deep to further enhance our knowledge on this topic. We'll also begin to listen to songs for our nativity. 

WC 09.10.23

Y2 have had another busy week. In English this week we've started our new unit on instructions which links to our DT topic. We've thought about where we find instructions and we came up with ideas such as when building lego, cooking and playing board games. We then looked at the features of instructions within a text to help us when we create our own instructions, this included using bossy verbs, time connectives, numbers and bullet points. After that we moved on to creating our picnics. We had some super sandwiches with some strange fillings such as strawberries, cheese and grapes mixed together but we had a great time eating them and enjoyed eating them! Next week we are going to use our photos to write our own instructions for Y1 to tell them how to create a picnic. We finished our DT topic by evaluating our picnics thinking about what we liked and how we could improve them. In Maths we've moved on to our unit on addition and subtraction which will last another few weeks after half term. This week we've looked at number bonds to 10 and fact families within the bonds and then looked at how this links to number bonds to 100, we've used lots of tens frames to support us and we've done a really good job. In computing we've been looking at coding which is really quite tricky. Next week we are going to begin our music topic where we are going to look at Peter and the Wolf. 



WC 02.09.23


We’ve had another busy week in Y2. In English we’ve finished our Little Red stories and edited and improved them. We’ve used some fantastic vocabulary.

In Maths we’ve been comparing numbers using the greater than, less than and equals signs, as well as ordering numbers from greatest to smallest and smallest to greatest, we had to look carefully at the tens number to help us, some of us found it a little tricky when the ones number was greater than the one tens. 

We’ve began our new DT topic on food where we have been planning to make our own picnic. We’ve completed our design briefs and are excited to make a picnic next week. 

WC 25.09.23


Y2 have had a another busy week and have been fantastic! We’ve been busy writing the problem of our Little Red stories. We’ve had some fantastic adjectives and use of subordination and some of us have had a go at using speech! Next week we will finish out stories and look at how we can edit and improve them. In maths we’ve been estimating and placing numbers on a number line and using the greater than, less than and equals signs to compare numbers. We all did really well with this.

We’ve completed out history unit on The Stone Age and we are all very knowledgeable. We can name the different periods and compare them thinking about their homes, food and clothing. Next week we are going to begin our food unit in DT where we will be making a picnic and we will write instructions in English to go with these.

WC 18.09.23

Y2 have had another great week! This week in English we've been beginning to write our own stories based on Little Red. So far, we've completed the opening and build up and have used some fantastic description and sentence starters! Next week will look at how we can edit and improve our writing and write the problem.

In maths this week we have been partitioning numbers. We are great at partitioning into the tens and ones, and we can all do this. Now we are partitioning in lots of different ways which is trickier. We have been using a part part whole to help us and then writing four different number sentences to match.

In history we have looked at the different periods in the Stone Age and we have some great knowledge. Lots of us are choosing to find out more in provision about this period and write some facts and others are creating weapons linked to the Stone Age in the workshop area.


WC 11.09.23

We've had a great week in Y2! In English we've been writing a character description about Little Red, we've been trying to use adjectives and exclamation sentences in our writing. We've done a great job!

In maths we've been looking at place value and partitioning numbers into tens and ones, we are going to continue to practise this next week.

We've started our new history topic where we are learning about the Stone Age, we have already found out lots of interesting facts and we're looking forward to finding out more next week! 

WC 04.09.23


We've had a great week in Y2. We've been busy exploring our new environment, we've had lots of time in provision!

On Thursday we entered the classroom to find it was dark, there were paths lit up by lights, leaves were scattered around, there was a red cloak, a cottage, a basket, wolf slippers and there was music playing. We used the clues to try and figure out what our new novel might be about. We had lots of good ideas and most of us thought it was going to be a traditional tale, we finally agreed it must be Little Red Riding Hood and we began to read our new novel 'Little Red', a twist of the original tale. 
