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Autumn 2

WC 18.12.23


What a lovely final week we've had in Y2.

We really enjoyed our nativity and many of us have missed practising for the remainder of the week! We were really pleased to be back in learning areas though and choosing our own learning. We've had birdhouses created in the workshop area, pieces of art and very creative marble runs in the construction area. 

We've completed our final art outcomes based on the work of Paul Klee, we scratched off the paint to create an underwater scene trying to use some of the formal elements we've learnt such as diagonal and zig zag lines. They look great! 

After Christmas we're looking forward to starting new topics including sewing in DT, money in Maths, pollution in Geography and plants in Science. 

Mrs Turvey and Mrs Harding will also be pleased when the naughty elf returns to the North Pole! 


WC 11.12.23


We've had a great week in Y2. We've completed our letters to the Prime Minister about the impact that plastic pollution is having on the oceans. We are looking forward to seeing if we get a response! We are very passionate about this topic and have started thinking about how we could be more eco-friendly in school to help save the planet!

In Maths we've finished our unit in shape, we've looked at 2D and 3D including identifying how many faces, edges and vertices the shapes have and sorted them using different criteria. In PE we have almost finished our units on athletics and dance. Next week we will have a mini olympics session and complete our dance routine. In P4C we've used the stimulus 'Don't Touch my Hair' which has linked to consent. We carefully thought about the concepts that the text linked to and came up with jealous, permission, having courage and being brave and then generated our enquiry question. In art we've started our final piece on our canvas' we've created our designs with oil pastels and covered them with blank paint. The final part will be to scratch out designs.

We are very excited to perform our nativity next week and get more Christmassy! 

WC 04.12.23


What a busy week we've had! We've worked so hard! It's been assessment week and we've all had a go at completing sats papers in reading and maths, we've done brilliantly! 

This week in English we've started writing our letters to the Prime Minister to try and persuade him to help with plastic pollution. We've included some great persuasive language and used our geography knowledge to give lots of examples of the problems. 

In Maths we've been continuing to learn about shapes, we've been finding lines of symmetry on shapes and sorting shapes using different criteria. Next week we will look at 3D shapes and sorting them. 

In art we've had lots of opportunity to experiment in our sketch books. We've created tertiary colours by mixing primary and secondary colours. We've looked at texture, linking our science knowledge of how objects feel. We've used different materials in our sketch books to practice overlapping and overlaying. Next week we are going to begin to create our final pieces. In computing we have been looking at coding and creating our own codes. 

WC 27.11.23


It's been another busy week in Y2! Nativity practise is in full swing now. We've tried on our costumes and the stage is up ready to begin practising!

In English, this week we've completed some fantastic writing about our trip to The Deep. We've used a range of time connectives, adjectives, personal pronouns and made sure our writing is in chronological order. We've tried really hard and produced some great writing!

In Maths we've finished our unit on addition and subtraction, we have been learning to add and subtract two-digit numbers including bridging into the next ten and exchanging, some of us moved on to balancing equations, which we found a little tricky, but we had a good try! We've started our new unit looking at 2D and 3D shapes.

We've started our new art unit. This week we've looked at line. We recalled our Y1 knowledge of wavy, scribble and straight lines before looking at diagonal and zig zag lines. We looked at examples of these lines and sorted them into which type of line they were before experimenting in our sketch books. Next week we are going to have a go at creating tertiary colours. In P4C we held our enquiry session linked to safety. We used the stimulus 'Into the forest' by Anthony Browne and thought about key concepts from this text, from this we thought of big questions that were discussable and arguable and voted on a question. In PE this week we've been dancing; we've looked crochets and quavers and worked with partners to create a small routine linked to these areas, we had some create ideas and were able to mirror our partners moves really well!


WC 20.11.23


What an exciting week we've had in Y2.

We've learnt so much in geography and we were very excited to go to The Deep on Tuesday to see some of the animals that we have been learning about and find out more in our workshop. We saw: turtles, sharks, jellyfish, stingrays, penguins and lots of fish! We went in a lift through the middle of the huge tanks, some of us found it a little scary but we all had a go and were amazed at the stingrays and sharks swimming around us! 

We are going to carry on with our learning about our trip and we are going to write a recount of it in English. We are going to include time connectives, subordination, write in the first person and ensure our writing is in chronological order.

In Maths we've been learning to subtract. Some of us have used the base 10 to support learning and some of us have drawn the tens and ones in our books and crossed them out. Towards the end of the week a few of us have had a go at exchanging tens for a one when we haven't got enough ones. This was a little tricky, but we are going to persevere. In PE we've been continuing our topic of athletics, we've been practising our sprinting and longer distance running and hurdling.

Next week we are going to be beginning out Paul Klee art topic linked to Fish Magic, in science we are going to be looking at materials and completing an investigation.

WC 13.11.23


We've had another great week in Y2. In Maths we've been learning to add and subtract 10, 20 and 30 from two-digit numbers using a 100 square to help us. We then moved on to look at addition of two-digit numbers using base 10 to support us. Next week we are going to look at subtraction including problem solving and reasoning activities. In English we've been looking at our novel Flotsam. We've made predictions about what we think the boy will find next and what is going on underwater. We've then completed a setting description using adjectives, subordination, coordination, exclamation sentences and we've tried to vary the way that we open our sentences to interest the reader. We then became the teacher and looked at a partner's book for these features and provided them with a star and wish. Next week, we will begin to look at the features of writing a recount linked to our trip to The Deep which we are excited about.

In geography we've looked at beaches and the OS symbols that we would find at a beach. We've also looked at water pollution linked to the ocean, how this is caused, the effects that plastic is having on the oceans and what we can do about it. We are looking forward to finding out more about this on our trip next week. In science we've thought about materials and which material is best suited to a particular purpose and in PE we've been practising our sprinting and looking at how our arms can help with this. What a busy week we've had! 


We've had a great first week back in Y2. We've come back to school refreshed, with some exciting show and tells about the school holidays and eager to find out more about our new topics are going to be!

In English we arrived at school to find underwater animals, nets, and animals in our small world area. We made predictions about what we thought our topic could be about and we came up with the oceans. We've completed some research finding out about how plastic arrives in the oceans and how it impacts some of the animals. We spoke about how this makes us feel, it made lots of us sad for the animals and angry that plastic ends up in their homes! Lots of us have continued our learning into the provision areas by creating oceans, beaches, and lighthouses. 

In Maths we are continuing with our addition and subtraction topic. This week we've looked at how many to the next 10 and adding numbers bridging into the next 10. We were able to use or number bonds to help us solve these calculations quickly! 

In geography we've started our new topic on oceans where we have been naming the world's oceans and continents, we will continue to find this topic until our trip to The Deep. 

In science we are learning all about materials this half term and have started the topic by reviewing what we have learnt in Y1. 

